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Do you want to use the annual account module for the first time in a file? Follow this step-by-step guide for a smooth and efficient experience.

Table of contents

Firm Level

Do you want to add this workflow to all files? As an admin user, you can add the workflow to the standard file template or a template of your choice.

  1. Go to the "Templates" tab.
  2. Select the client template to which you want to add the workflow.
  3. Scroll down to the dropdown list for additional workflows.
  4. Choose "Annual Account" and save the changes. 

Once these steps are completed, the workflow will be added to all existing related files and future files created with this client  template.

Client File Level

(Available for admin users and staff)

  1. Open your file: Start from the file's home page.
  2. Add the workflow:  Click on “Add a workflow” and select the "Annual Account" workflow.