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This article lists accounting packages and their ability to sync document attachments, like invoices, in Silverfin.
To view the synced attachments, follow these steps:
- Open the account in the working papers workflow.
- Click on 'View ledger'.
- Select the document you wish to see.
Overview of packages
Yes - documents are synced
No - documents are not synced
On Premise
Adsolut -Yes
Briljant - No
Cegid - No
ExpertM -Yes
GenericCsv - Yes
Oras -Yes
Popsy - No
ProAcc -Yes
Sage50 - No
SageBob -Yes
SapB1 -Yes
TopAccount -Yes
Venice -Yes
VeroCount - No
Winbooks -Yes
Wings - No
Afas - No
Bocount - Yes
Bocount2009 - No
BocountOdata4 -Yes
CegidCloud - No
Codat - No
Economic -Yes
ExactOnline -Yes
ExactOnlineFr -Yes
ExactOnlineNl -Yes
Horus - No
Konsolidator - No
Octopus -Yes
Odoo -Yes
QuickBooks - No
SageBusinessCloudAccounting -Yes
Twinfield - No
WinbooksOnWeb - No
WingsOnline - No
Xero - Yes
XeroTb - Yes
Yuki - Yes