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This article explains the importance of mapping your bookkeeping data to improve accuracy, save time, and enhance reporting. Learn how standardising your chart of accounts with a mapping list can streamline your workflow, ensure data consistency, and unlock valuable insights across all your client files.

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Why should I map my data?

Good data is essential for successful automation in accounting tasks like working papers, accounts production, and management reporting. However, data inconsistencies due to changing legislation, software switches, or mergers can hinder efficiency. Mapping your bookkeeping ledgers ensures you can fully utilise our automated workflows.

What do I gain from Mapping my data? 

Uniformed client data

Mapping ensures consistent data across client files. A small time investment in mapping to the Silverfin Standard Mapping list eliminates the need for individual file configuration, with AI Mapping speeding up the process.

Improved accuracy and time savings

Firm-level configuration prevents manual errors and forgotten updates, ensuring consistent setup across all files. Auto-configuration handles most settings, boosting efficiency from the first year of using Silverfin.

Valuable reporting

Standardised mapping allows for out-of-the-box reports with meaningful subcategories and enables the creation of more insightful, customised reports.

Insights across files

Standardised data ensures comparability. Insights segments based on the mapping list provide ready-to-use queries for valuable data analysis.

Mapping is crucial for enhancing data consistency, accuracy, and efficiency in accounting. Using standardized charts of accounts and automated workflows, you can improve reporting and gain valuable insights across all client files.