User Roles Admin Staff contributor External Contributor Pulse user

This article explains how to activate the integration between Tax-on-Web (ToW) and Silverfin for seamless and automatic updating of personal tax data. Follow the steps below to activate and manage this integration, so you can benefit from a more efficient workflow and accurate data management.

Table of contents


Create a new user with admin rights

To set up the integration with TOW, it is important to create a new admin user at the office level.

  1. Navigate at the office level to 'Users' -> 'Staff' -> 'Add Staff user'.
  2. Create a user with the name 'PB Integration user' and a custom email address.
  3. Make sure to grant this user admin rights and save the password for this account in your personal password manager.
  4. Ensure that the admin user has access to all personal files.

Activate the integration

  1. Log in as an PB Integration user with access to all personal files.
  2. Go to: and authorize the integration by clicking on "Personal Income Tax (BE)".

Set the password

Choose a password and save it.Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-07 om 14.09.25.png 

Manage the integration

  1. Click on 'Manage integration' and select the admin user who has access to all personal files from the dropdown menu.Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-19 om 16.19.07.png
  2.  Click on 'Add credentials', fill in the information and click save.
  3.  If there are multiple mandates, you can add them this way.Scherm­afbeelding 2024-06-25 om 17.55.27.png

Confirm with Your CSM

Confirm to your CSM that you have completed these steps.