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In this article, we outline the steps you need to follow to archive or delete a workflow in a client's file. 

Table of contents 

Key informations

  • Before you can delete a workflow, it must first be archived. 
  • You cannot delete or archive the default workflow set by the client template. Each file must have at least one active workflow.
  • Deleting a workflow will permanently remove all its templates and data. Templates used in other workflows will retain their data. 
  • Deleting the workflow is irreversible. Ensure the workflow is no longer needed before proceeding.
  • The action of archiving or deleting a file is visible in the audit log.

Archiving the workflow

To archive the workflow, perform the following steps:  

  1. Navigate to the workflow you wish to archive.
  2. Click on 'Actions' button.
  3. Select 'Archive Workflow' from the drop-down menu.
  4. To prevent accidental archiving, a confirmation screen will appear. Carefully read the information provided and confirm your choice.
  5. After archiving, the workflow will be greyed out on the client overview page, indicating its archived status.

Deleting the workflow

Once a workflow is archived, you can proceed to delete it by following these steps:

  1. Open the previously archived workflow.
  2. Click on 'Actions' button.
  3. You have the option to either reactivate or delete the workflow. Select 'Remove workflow'.
  4. You will be directed to a confirmation screen. Confirm your decision to permanently delete the workflow.