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Read this article to learn how to manually import data to a previous period and restore automatic synchronisation to ensure your records remain accurate and up-to-date.

To manually import data to a previous period, follow these steps:

Deactivate active sync

If there is an active sync in the file, you need to disable it first.

  1. Click the 'Edit Client' button in the file overview.
  2. Selcect Sync' tab.
  3. Click 'Switch sync.'
  4. Choose the option to change from the current automatic synchronisation to manual upload.

Import data manually

 Once the sync is deactivated, you can import data manually in a previous period.

  1. Click the 'Add new period' button in the file overview.
  2. Select 'Upload file.'

Re-enable synchronisation

After the data is imported, you can re-enable sync.

  1. Click the 'Edit Client' button in the file overview.
  2. Selcect Sync' tab.
  3. Click 'Set up sync.'
  4. Choose the option to change from the manual uploading to an automatic synchronisation.
  5. Choose your sync and  transfer date.
  6. Save changes.
Ensure you set the correct transfer date; otherwise, the newly imported data may be overwritten by the synchronisation. The transfer date should align with the start of the financial period.