In a working file, you will see that certain accounts or reconciliations have a star next to them. If this star is coloured in yellow, it means the account requires reconciliation.

As a default, all reconciliations and the account codes that make up the Balance Sheet are 'starred.' Your admins have the ability to change this, so please consult them if you think this needs changing!

You can change the accounts or reconciliations that are starred on the client level, simply by selecting or deselecting the star!

Currently, stars apply to all periods, so if you star something in one period, it will also be starred the next period!

If an account has a star, a red triangle or green dot will appear next to it. A red triangle means that reconciliation has not yet been done for that account. A green dot means, of course, that reconciliation is complete. Even if an account has a value of zero, there will be a green dot. If a movement takes place in the bookkeeping that changes the account value, a red triangle will appear.