Now that you've successfully set up your consolidated file in Silverfin, you'll naturally want to set up a report/reports with a view across the entities. If you've created a report in Silverfin before, this is no different!

All you'll need to do is add a period set to existing reports/new reports that includes the option to display dimensions. This can either be done by:

  • Admin users if the report is locked and you want the period set to be available for all reports across the client file base
  • Any user if the report is unlocked. This allows any user to add the required period set/s. 

Step 1: Go into the report that you want to add the period set to, and add a new period set by clicking on the 'Periods' dropdown and selecting 'Add period set' and name your new period set:

Step 2: Add an 'Analytical period' to show details of the consolidated client files

Simply drag and drop the box t the left-hand side:

Step 3: Enter the details you wish to show on your report

As always, you'll need to select the timeframe, which numbers you wish to reflect (actuals, budget, etc.), the period and year.

The only different thing you'll see is the dropdown saying 'Split on dimension 1'. Leave this as is. You do not need to pull in a new analytical period for each client file being consolidated.

For example, if I have a consolidated file which is consolidating 3 client files, I will see the details of all 3 client files when I add an analytical period for 'dimension 1'. I do not need to add 2 more analytical periods for dimension 2 and dimension 3.

Step 4: Add any other tiles/columns that you want to reflect in your new period set

For example, it is useful to add a column for adjustments when reporting for consolidated files:

Step 5: See how it looks in the actual report!

If you wish to make changes, simply go back to the report editor and amend the period set.

As with analytical reporting, you can select which client files you wish to display:

As always, we're happy to help if you need any assistance. Please let your CSM know!