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This aritcle explains how to use AI Mapping in Silverfin to streamline account mapping. Learn how AI-generated proposals work and how to review, adjust, and save mapping  proposals efficiently.

Table of contents 

What is an AI mapping is Silverfin?

AI Mapping leverages artificial intelligence to assist with account mapping and AI input by analysing descriptions and transactions of incoming accounts. It generates mapping proposals based on the selected mapping list, which you can review and confirm.

To use AI mapping, ensure that the Mapping List from the Marketplace is active in your file. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).

How to use AI Mapping?

Mapping screen

  • When you open a file with unmapped accounts and AI Mapping available, Silverfin will generate mapping proposals for you to review.
  • AI Mapping  learns directly from your accounting office's preferences. Each time you or a colleague map a client file, our AI Mapping instantly improves the quality of all proposals featuring that data.

Understanding icons on mapping proposals screen

  • Exclamation Mark: Low confidence in the mapping proposal. Review these carefully.
  • Pencil: The mapping proposal has been manually edited.
  • No Icon: High confidence in the mapping proposal. These are likely correct but should still be reviewed.
Exclamation mark: the mapping proposal has low confidence. Check these proposals extra carefully.
Pencil: the mapping proposal has been manually edited.
No icon: the mapping proposal has high confidence. They still need to be reviewed, but are likely to be correct.

Reviewing Proposals

  • First column: Shows the mapped account. Use information in subsequent columns (original account number, name, balance, account type) to verify the proposal.
  • Low confidence proposals: If proposal is marked with an exclamation mark, other top AI proposals will be displayed with a magic wand icon. You can select one of these to remap the account or confirm the current low-confidence proposal.

Remapping accounts

  • If the desired account is not shown, click the 'Remap' button (appears when hovering over a row) to search for accounts in the structure of the main workflow of the file. Use the dropdown to select from AI proposals or view all accounts.

Reviewing imported accounts

  • Second column: Displays the original account number and name. Accounts are sorted by default in ascending order, but you can adjust this by clicking the table headers.
  • Third Column: Shows the account balance for the selected period. Choose the period at the start as changing it later will result in losing progress.
  • Forth Column: Displays the account type of the mapped account. A mismatch with the import account type will be highlighted with a warning icon. The proposal’s account type will be used when saving.

Saving the mapping proposals

  • After reviewing, save the mapping to proceed with your client file.

Mapping new accounts

When new accounts are added to a client file after saving the mapping, they will be detected during import. You will be redirected to the mapping screen to map and save these new accounts before proceeding.

Amending Mapping

To amend mappings perform the following steps:

  1. Click on the 'Accounts' tab in the client overview page.
  2. Click the 'Mapping' button at the top right.
  3. Adjust the mapping as needed. Previously mapped accounts will appear in the 'saved accounts' section. Editing them will move them to the 'unsaved accounts' section until saved.

For more information about AI Mapping and how your firm can access this feature, contact your Customer Success Manager or Silverfin Support.