Collaborating in Silverfin helps you keep all communications around your client files in one place, streamlining the preparation and review phases.  

But there were a couple of areas we wanted to improve.  

  1. Firstly, to make it easier to see the status of a workflow - for example, is it still being prepared or has it been sent to the client?
  2. And secondly, the handover process; how you let a colleague know they can start their review. Some Silverfin users still send an email to their manager with additional information on the client file workflow, asking them to start the review. This is the kind of communication that really should stay within Silverfin.

Change the workflow status

With this update, you can change the status of a workflow.  So when you move the workflow to the next status, you have the option to also add a message.  This message can be seen in the company overview page and the status change will be included in the audit log too.

Check the workflow status

To improve visibility, you can see the workflow status in several places:

  • Next to the workflow title in the working screen and workflow review.
  • On the company overview page.

It's worth noting that this feature is available by default, but it can be disabled by admins at firm level. 

Adding a workflow status in Silverfin. 

Admins users can add workflow statuses at firm level. Silverfin provides a minimum amount of default statuses, and admin users can add any number of additional statuses to this list. 

Check the workflow status across your client files

This feature is available to customers with our Insights module. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you’d like more information.

Recently, we launched the ability to add, change and view the workflow status of your client files. 

But we wanted to go further. What if you want to know the workflow status of one or more workflows of your client files?

Or perhaps as a manager you want to know if you’ll meet your annual accounts deadline? 

With this new improvement, you can do this via Insights. You have the option to search for a specific status of a workflow, or check all client files up to or from a specific status. 

Using this new workflow status feature in combination with the client files you're following gives you an overview of the status of everything that’s relevant for you.