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When viewing working papers for accounts and reconciliations, you’ll notice icons that help you quickly understand their status. These visual cues provide insight into whether action is needed and how they impact your overall workflow progress.

Table of contents 

Types of reconciliation icons

Active templates are indicated by a yellow star and light blue text. The yellow star signifies that the template requires reconciliation. If an account has a star, a reconciliation status icon will also appear.

There are two types of reconciliation status icons:

Red/Green Icons (Reconciliations requiring input)

These icons represent reconciliations that require action to be completed. They contribute to the overall percentage of workflow completion.

  • Green Dot: This means the reconciliation is complete. The information you've added matches the trial balance value.
  • Red Triangle: The reconciliation is incomplete. The details in the account or reconciliation do not match the general ledger, and action is needed to resolve this.

Grey/Yellow Squares (non-input reconciliations)

These reconciliations do not require input to be marked complete and do not affect the workflow completion percentage. However, their color changes depending on whether defaults have been edited.

  • Grey Square: Indicates no reconciliation is required for this account in relation to the general ledger. The grey square appears when fields in the template contain default values that haven't been edited. This is not a warning or error but simply a sign that no further input is needed.
  • Yellow Square: A yellow square appears when manual input has been added to one or more fields. 

If the reconciliation has required inputs that are not yet filled, it will turn into a red triangle. Once all required fields are completed, the icon will revert to a yellow square.

Additional icons

 Green Lightning Bolt

  • Green lightning bolt icon indicates that a To-do is assigned to a template.
  • Completing these to-dos is crucial for achieving 100% progress, even if templates are green.
  • Always mark off completed to-dos to ensure your progress bar reaches 100%.

Blue Square

  • Blue square icon indicates that a check from checklist is assigned to a template.
  • Completing these checks is crucial for achieving 100% progress, even if templates are green.

Summary of Icon meanings

  • Green Dot: Reconciliation is complete, no further action required.
  • Red Triangle: Action needed, the reconciliation is incomplete.
  • Grey Square: No reconciliation required; default values are in place.
  • Yellow Square: Manual input added; reconciliation complete unless indicated otherwise.
  • Green Lightning bolt: To-Do is assigned to a template.
  • Blue Square: Check is assigned to a template. 

These icons help ensure clarity and efficiency in managing your accounts and reconciliations.

Why don't I  see any icon next to a starred reconciliation?

Accounts without new entries in the current period won't display the icon, but they are still shown in the working papers because they had entries in the previous period.

In other words, no symbol is displayed because the reconciliation only contains an opening balance transferred to Silverfin, with no new entries for that period. When the opening balance is synced, it shows up as an entry in Silverfin, and the corresponding symbol appears.