What is the 'Interact' feature within Pulse?

The 'Interact' feature allows you to collaborate and communicate directly with your client within any Silverfin template.


There are many reasons why this feature is valuable! Here are a few examples:

- It may be the case that you want to share details of specific nominal accounts/reconciliation with a client. As you'll already know, you can make a reconciliation template visible to a client but not the working of a nominal account. Interact allows your client not only to be able to view the templates, but also to communicate on them (think notes and to-do's) and to provide suggested changes based;

- You may need input from your client in order to finish a reconciliation (e.g. holiday balances, or details on entertainment that may or may not be disallowed). If you share these with your client, they can then input directly into the nominal account. No need to duplicate effort! And don't worry, you will have to accept the suggestion before it is included in your working!


This bit is easy! Simply tag your client in a working paper to give them access. That is, tag @name or @external.

This communication will be available to them in Pulse, and they will get the email at the end of the day (same as you!) telling them they have unread notifications in Silverfin.

The client can then access the relevant template within their Pulse portal by clicking on the blue hyperlink above the note/to-do or the 'View in context' icon:

The client will be taken directly to the working paper where they'll be able to add a proposal, or any communication needed. See this short video for more information on what they see/can do!