Export packs are an easy way to create standardized Management reports on the Silverfin platform at the simple push of a button. 

This article will guide you through how to generate an export pack for your client file, but keep in mind there's a whole lot more that can be customized. 

1. From your 'Client overview' page select 'Export' from the top panel. 

2. Once in the Export page, navigate to the 'Choose a bundle' drop-down. This will provide you with a list of pre-set export bundles that have been created and allocated by your Admin users.

The bundles are also just a starting point. You'll notice the squares highlighted in the image have a drag and drop function if your client is after something a bit more specific.

3. Select your desired bundle and then the green 'Generate export' button to create an export.

4. You will be taken to the 'Export History' page as your report generates. Once it's generated simply select the report title to bring up your report. Viola! 

Remember you can always access your Export History to view previously generated Export packages. You also save this into your client documents, copy the template or delete old exports from here.

Yes, it's really that easy :)