When you set up a new client, you will see a screen like this...You won't be able to start using Silverfin for that client until you have completed the mapping!
- If you need to leave the mapping page and want to continue mapping at a later stage, click 'Save & next page' otherwise your mapping will be lost;
Which codes do I map to?
- Use the quick guide at the bottom of the article to understand the Silverfin Chart of Accounts in a nutshell. In short, codes beginning with a 1 are Assets, 2 Liabilities, 3 Equity, 4 Revenue and 5 to 9 make up the rest of the Income Statement.
- If you are an admin, you have access to the mapping list and it may be useful to open the Silverfin chart of accounts on a separate screen when starting out with mapping, as this will give you an overview of the different account types that the Silverfin nominal codes fall into.
- To do this, go to the 'Templates' tab and scroll down to Mapping lists and you will find the Silverfin CoA file
- You are able to go back and amend any mapping at a later stage. Here's how to do this:
Step 1: Click on the 'Accounts' tab in the relevant client overview page
Step 2: Click the 'Mapping' button on the top right
Step 3: Change the mapping as required!
If you're stuck whilst mapping and need some someone to point you in the right 'direction' please contact the support desk or your CSM!
Want a quick overview of the Silverfin CoA to help you map?... Look no further!
The Silverfin chart is a 6 digit CoA, and the first few numbers will really help you get started :)
Find below a quick reference guide (not exhaustive) which may be beneficial whilst you get used to the codes.
1- Assets
- 100 Intangibles
- 110 Tangibles
- 120 Non Current Investments
- 130 Current Investments
- 140 Current Debtors
- 1409 Cash
- 141 Inventory and Stock
- 149 Current Assets Held for Sale
- 150 Non Current Debtors
2- Liabilities
- 240 Creditors (Due within 1 year)
- 241 Liabilities Held for Sale (due within 1 year)
- 242 Asset Retirement Obligations (due within 1 year)
- 250 Creditors (Due after 1 year)
- 251 Liabilities Held for Sale (Due after 1 year)
- 252 Asset Retirement Obligations (Due after 1 year)
- 260 Provision for other liabilities
3- Equity
- 3000 Ordinary Share Capital
- 3001 Preference Share Capital
- 3002 Share Capital not paid
- 300100 Share Premium
- 3101 P&L Retained Earnings & Divs
- 3102- 3108 Other Reserves
- 3109 LLP / Partnership Capital
- 32 Sole Traders
4- Revenue
5- COS
6- Distribution Costs
7- Admin Costs
8- MSP Costs (Marketing, Selling, Promotion)
9- Other Operating Income & Expenses, Interest Income & Expenses, Non Operating Income, Tax Income and Expense, Other Comprehensive Income