Winbooks on Web is a cloud accounting package. To synchronize the figures from your file with Silverfin, you need to create an "Exchange token".

It's crucial to follow the steps below using the account that holds full access (and typically oversees the license).

Please follow the steps described below to learn how to generate the exchange token.

Go via Settings (1) to Control Panel (2) and press "External applications" (3):

Click add:

Firstly, create a description of your token (1) and the email address (2) to which the token should be sent (it's recommended that this matches the applicant's email)). It's advisable to trust the application (3); this gives you a bit more time to enter token into Silverfin. Click 'Add and Send' (4) to generate the token. You will then receive an email with the token.

Copy the Exchange token from the e-mail and use it in Silverfin, along with the e-mail address that created this token.

Please send the created token + username in Winbooks on Web to your customer service manger (CSM) or to [email protected] and we will do the necessary for the further setup. After this, you can get started right away.

If you don't see the screens mentioned above, it means that the 'Rest API' module is not active for your license or customer file. Please reach out to Winbooks support or the customer directly to activate it.

Once the synchronisation is initiated at the office level, you can establish a connection to WinbooksOnWeb within the file. To proceed, you'll require a synchronisation reference, which in WinbooksOnWeb is known as the company code.

You can locate the company code in the company switcher upon logging into WinbooksOnWeb